London Auction Update: Sotheby’s Modern & Impressionist outsells Christie’s

February 6th, 2008

Pablo Picasso’s Tete de Femme via Bloomberg

Last night, Sotheby’s Modern and Impressionist auction brought in $230 million selling roughly 88% of lots offered. Christie’s Modern and Impressionist auction, which took place this past Monday, did not fair as well.

Christie’s sold only 76% of offered lots. Sotheby’s success can partially be attributed to their choice to focus on higher priced works. Additionally Russian buyer’s accounted for a large number of the sales. These profits are in stark contrast to their November auction that caused a substantial drop in Sotheby’s stock.

Choice lots boost sales at Sotheby’s Modern and Impressionist auction [Bloomberg]
Record breaking sales at Sotheby’s [Evening Standard]
Russian buyers drive up sales numbers for Modern and Impressionist auction [Bloomberg]
Sotheby’s and Christie’s back to back Modern and Impressionist sales [Art Observed]
Picasso’s portrait of Dora Marr sells for top dollar at Sotheby’s auction [Telegraph]