Don’t Miss – New York: Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ at PaceWildenstein through October 17, 2009

October 14th, 2009

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Currently on view at PaceWildenstein‘s East 57th Street location is Sol LeWitt‘s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube,’ an exhibition featuring wall drawings, gouaches, and sculptures from the 1980s.    LeWitt used the form of the cube to create a vocabulary that formed the basis of his practice throughout his career. As a universal form, the cube requires no interpretation on the part of the viewer and allowed the artist to create a multitude of figures and images using only an essential idea.

Sol LeWitt: Forms Derived from a Cube [PaceWildenstein]
Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective [MASS MoCA]

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

The exhibition includes nine colorful wall drawings in which LeWitt played with ink washes and color combinations and layering. It also includes a number of gouaches, a medium the artist started to use in the 80s to experiment with color. Also on view are two sculptures that explore the cube in three dimensions, in opposition to the isometric forms of the wall drawings and gouaches.

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cubic Rectangle’ via PaceWildenstein

The exhibition runs concurrently with a widely celebrated 25-year-long retrospective of LeWitt’s wall drawings at MASS MoCA, which runs through 2033. Recently, a mural commissioned by the MTA in New York was unveiled at the newly renovated Columbus Circle station at West 59th Street. Entitled ‘Whirls and twirls,’ the tiled mural is a permanent, site-specific installation reminiscent of LeWitt’s colorful wall drawings.

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#412B Isometric figure with ink color washes, with a different color on each plane’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt, who died in 2007, is considered to be a grandfather of Conceptual Art, a label he never fully embraced. But it was a fundamental underpinning of his practice that the idea was the art, and its fabrication was inconsequential, something that influenced generations of artists who followed. LeWitt himself rarely made his large, often extremely labor intensive wall drawings, delegating that work to assistants carrying out his instructions.

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ runs at PaceWildenstein’s East 57th Street location September 8 through October 17, 2009.

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#412A Isometric figure with ink color washes, with a different color on each plane’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cubic Rectangle’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#420A Isometric figure with gray, yellow, red and blue superimposed progressively’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#420B Isometric figure with gray, yellow, red and blue superimposed progressively’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#540D Isometric cube with color ink washes superimposed’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#420H Isometric figure with gray, yellow, red and blue superimposed progressively’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#606D Forms derived from a cubic rectangle, with ink color washes superimposed’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#420I Isometric figure with gray, yellow, red and blue superimposed progressively’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Wall Drawing#606C Forms derived from a cubic rectangle, with ink color washes superimposed’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein

Sol LeWitt’s ‘Form Derived from a Cubic Rectangle’ via PaceWildenstein

Installation view of Sol LeWitt’s ‘Forms Derived from a Cube’ via PaceWildenstein