Milan: Nate Lowman ‘Swiss Cheese and The Doors: A One Night Stand’ at Massimo De Carlo through May 12, 2012

April 28th, 2012

Nate Lowman, Swiss Cheese and The Doors: A One Night Stand (2012). All installation images via Massimo De Carlo and the artist.

Massimo de Carlo is showing 40 new works by NYC-based artist Nate Lowman. The press release states that ‘drawing on histories of collage, appropriation, and assemblage since the 1960s,’ Lowman aims ‘to craft a formal and strategic approach around a personal and cultural identification with images.’ A varied body of works, ranging from alkyd and oil rendered pointilist paintings to the more ‘theatrical’ lighting installations meant to evoke dusk and dawn, Swiss Cheese and the Doors: A One Night Stand is preoccupied with the ‘shift between narrative themes and experiential space.’

—D. Cloninger

Related Links:

Exhibition Site [Massimo De Carlo]