Education Resources for Artists During COVID-19 Quarantine

April 23rd, 2020

Dike Blair, Untitled (2020), via Karma's Online Viewing Rooms
Dike Blair, Untitled (2020), via Karma.  The gallery is hosting a show of the artist’s work in its Online Viewing Rooms

As the weeks progress and institutions remain shuttered over COVID-19 concerns, many arts organizations are responding with online virtual education programming related to the arts, often accessible globally at no cost. Art Observed has compiled a selection of these resources, from online classes and exhibitions to panel discussions and online interviews. There has perhaps been no better time to develop and hone one’s skills, as regards both creating and appreciating art, and through these links, Art Observed hopes to enable its readers to branch out, exploring new concepts and skills from the safety of their homes, while helping to relieve some of the pressures and tedium of social distancing.

AO Live Series
Art Observed is itself presenting a series of conversations with eminent and emerging artists, the first of which was between Vik Muniz, a Brazilian artist that created Escola Vidigal in Rio de Janeiro, and Dustin Yellin, the founder of Pioneer Works in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

AP: Assembled Personalities (Kadist)
An online video exhibition curated by Rudolf Frieling which includes, among other works, Wild Boy (2004) by Guy Ben-Ner, which is the story of the education of Guy’s son, Amir.

Amanda Khalil, Bianca Bernardo and Cherie Karam curate international contemporary art videos. Featuring one video per day, along with commentary on each piece, COVIDEO19 is a great, easily-digestible introduction to this medium.

David Zwirner Dialogues
A podcast series by David Zwirner Gallery, which pair artists, writers, designers and other creatives and put them in conversation with each other to explore the meaning of art and creating things. Past speakers have included Oscar Murillo and Jeff Koons, among others.

The Gesso App provides immersive, in-depth guides for cities and the cultural institutions and museums within them, including, among may others, the International Center of Photography, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Whitney, Dia Beacon, Met Breuer and the Guggenheim.

Guggenheim Artist Profiles
A collection of short video interviews with artists whose works have recently featured in exhibitions at the Guggenheim. Artists discuss and show their process and intentions.

The Holyrad Studio School
Holyrad Studio is a membership collective for freelance artists, as well as a creative agency and production studio. The Holyrad Studio team is providing online classes, that are available on-demand, aimed to bolster both creative and business skills for freelance creative entrepreneurs.

ICA Miami Channel
The Institute of Contemporary Art Miami has launched a channel, with content including lectures, interviews with artists and conversations about the ICA’s collection.

MoMA Online Courses
A selection of structured online courses by MoMA are available online through Coursera, including on contemporary art, photography and abstract painting. Courses are led by curators, artists and designers, and feature works from MoMA’s collection.

New Museum Home Delivery
Home Delivery is a bi-weekly roundup of news, resources and stories from the New Museum.

Open Studio (SFMOMA)
Mark Bradford’s Open Studio project is continued through a series of activities and assignments available online that aim to connect the ideas and inspirations of leading contemporary artists with a wider audience, particularly high school students and teachers.

Separate Sundays
Pioneer Works’ Separate Sundays is a digital adaptation of its Second Sundays event series that usually takes place on the second Sunday of each month. The virtual events include explorations of the music, performances and residencies that would have otherwise taken place as part of the Second Sundays program.

Archive and repository of resources, covering poetry, film and various other mediums, and allowing these works to be available and accessible freely online.

The [Virtual] Bass
The Bass is providing free online access to a number of art-related educational resources including virtual tours and exhibitions, artist interviews, lessons for children, and coloring pages that can be printed or colored-in on a tablet.

Whitney Museum Essays
The Whitney has digitally published a number of insightful essays online. Witten by its creators, the essays investigate some of the issues and questions evoked by contemporary art.

10 Free Art Books to Read while Social Distancing (The Met)
Hundreds of books from among the titles The Met has published are freely available online, including the ten recommendations on this list, among which is a book by Eric Kjellgren on the Art of Easter Island and a book by Timothy Newbery on Italian Renaissance Frames.