Go See: Francisco De Goya, ‘Los Desastres de la Guerra’ at Peter Blum Gallery, NY through August 1

June 20th, 2008

Goya, Grande hazana! Con muertos via ArtNet

Through August 1, the Peter Blum Gallery in New York presents Goya’s print series “The Disasters of War”, a portrait of cruelty, aggression, atrocities, and man’s inhumanity towards his fellow man.  Violent, gore filled, and graphic in nature, Goya depicts Spain’s War of Independence against Napoleon.

Desastres de la Guerra [Peter Blum Gallery]
Francisco de Goya [NY Times]
Francisco de Goya: Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War) [ArtNet]
Goya Does Gore at Peter Blum [Village Voice]
Francisco de Goya: Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War) [Art Log]
Francisco de Goya [NY Artbeat]

Goya, The Disasters of War via ArtNet

Bodies, dismemberment, missing limbs scattered about, Goya’s work ventures into the post-war famine, grief, and allegorical figures. As Goya was at the time of these works over 60 years old and deaf, it is unlikely he witnessed first hand the all of the atrocities he depicted, however his portrayal serves as profound statements on war.

Goya, Correccion (Correction) (1890) via ArtNet