The Vernissage Via Hikari

December 5th, 2007

Thomas Zipp on Paper – Via Hikari

Weather was clear and sunny the day the fair opened, many escaping the heat into the hordes of people who had purchased tickets or somehow found their way into the exclusive Vernissage, or opening of the fair. While some seem determined to close the details on any hot pieces that managed to make to the fair yet unsold (many pieces are sold to collectors before the galleries even make it to the fair) most seemed to just be milling around aimlessly. However there was a buzz in the air and excitement to see such masterpieces as Basquiats that were hidden for years in a private collection at Jan Krugier’s booth, a breathtaking 5 channel video piece by Doug Aitken at 303 Gallery’s booth and a performance utilizing a piece by Jim Shaw (performed by his assistant) complete with four armed electric guitar and burlap hooded cloak.

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Le Baron Party
Patrick McMullan was there making the rounds to capture shots of the collectors, scenesters, party people, celebrities, gallerists, journalists, hangers-on, all there to see the art and simultaneously preventing each other from getting a good view of the artwork hung. The usual suspects were all present and in good cheer, excited to be “working” in sunny Miami, including Terence Koh, Yvonne Force Villareal, Benedict Taschen, Cecelia Dean and of course, Sarah Fitzmorris head of PR for the fair and director Sam Keller.

Jorge Pardo (foreground) & Franz Ackerman (background)

Jonathan Monk (bike) & Garth (painting)

Le Baron 2