AO On Site: “Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise and Maccarone in New York, through August 29

July 11th, 2008

“Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown Enterprise via Art Observed

Art Observed was on site at the opening of “Pretty Ugly” on Thursday, July 10th. The show took place at two neighboring galleries on Greenwich St. in New York: Gavin Brown’s Enterpise and Maccarone.
The show was curated by Alison Gingeras, of the Pinault collection, and featured work from more than 75 artists, including John Currin, Louise Bourgeois, the Chapman Brothers, Paul McCarthy, Takashi Murakami, Alice Neel, Hermann Nitsch, Andy Warhol, Francis Picabia, and Rob Pruitt, just to name a few.

Pretty Ugly: Press Release [Gavin Brown’s Enterprise]
Pretty Ugly, Maccarone [Maccarone Gallery]
A Pretty Ugly New York Art Eclipse [Flash Art]
This Week in Art Openings: Totally Rad, Pretty Ugly, and The Shallow Curator [Papermag]
Pretty Ugly [Artlog]

Gavin Brown at his enterprise via Art Observed

It was a perfect summer evening to peruse between the two galleries, absorbing in the pretty, the ugly, and the ‘pretty ugly’ works of art. The show was well attended and undeniably a highlight of the summer thus far. The multiple rooms were filled with paintings, drawing, sculptures and installations from the participating artists.

“Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

The press release explains, “Pretty Ugly attempts to address how artists strategically engage aesthetics; not attributing a validity of one concept over the other, it goes without saying that concepts of beauty and ugliness are always in flux and depend on specific historical and cultural contexts.”

Amy Greenspon of Boesky Gallery and Mellissa Bent of Rivington Arms at “Pretty Ugly”, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

“Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

Jose Martos is caught red handed reaching into artist, Hope Atherton’s purse. Servane Mary looks on and laughs, via Art Observed

Tina LaPorta and Stefan Eins at “Pretty Ugly”, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

Emi Antal and Tamas Veszi at “Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

“Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

Sean and Eunuam Holland at “Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

“Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

Artist John Currin and Rachel Feinstien at “Pretty Ugly” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise via Art Observed

“Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

Artist Solange Umutoni, Sonel Breslav from Marvelli Gallery, and Lisa Kao at “Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

Robert Grosman and Alina Kohlem at “Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

Genevieve Choumerose and Gontrand Desberles show their AO love at “Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

A Chapman Brothers piece for “Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

“Pretty Ugly” at Maccarone via Art Observed

Other Artist who exhibited work between the two galleries:
Pierre Alechinsky, John Alexander, Ida Applebroog, John Armleder, Kristin Baker, Georg Baselitz, Hans Bellmer, Lynda Benglis, Carol Bove, Glenn Brown, Guy Bourdin, Louise Bourgeois, Günter Brus, Bernard Buffet, Chapman Brothers, James Lee Byars, Brian Calvin, Chivas Clem, Ann Craven, Roberto Cuoghi, John Currin, Verne Dawson, Otto Dix, Richard Diebenkorn, Louise Fishman, Mark Flood, Llyn Foulkes, Gelitin, Isa Genzken, Nan Goldin, Leon Golub, Mark Grotjahn, Marsden Hartley, Eva Hesse, Jonathan Horowitz, Gary Hume, Jörg Immendorff, Tony Just, Alex Katz, Karen Kilimnik, Martin Kippenberger, Bruce LaBruce, Eugéne Leroy, Lee Lozano, Markus Lüpertz, Edward Middleton Manigault, Paul McCarthy, Cory McCorkle, John McCracken, Otto Muehl, Takashi Murakami, Alice Neel, Hermann Nitsch, Jim Nutt, Albert Oehlen,Laura Owens, Raymond Pettibon, Elizabeth Peyton, Francis Picabia, Jack Pierson, Rob Pruitt, Carol Rama, Charles Ray, Anselm Reyle, Julian Schnabel, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Agathe Snow, Frances Stark, Pat Steir, Haim Steinbach, Stanislaw Szukalski, Richard Tuttle, Piotr Uklanski, Kaari Upson, Stan VanDerBeek, Erik van Lieshout, Abraham Walkowitz, Andy Warhol, Hans Weigand, Franz West, Hannah Wilke, Sue Williams and others….