AO On Site – New York: Lucas Samaras “XYZ” At Pace Gallery Through October 28th, 2012

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Lucas Samaras, photo by Art Observed

Pace inaugurated its new Chelsea gallery space at 508 West 25th Street on September 28th with a show of new works by artist Lucas Samaras. XYZ is comprised of four series of works created between 2010-2012. Twenty works, each a unique formal exploration of color, space and abstract patterning, announce the latest stage of evolution in his investigation of material manipulation, splicing reality through formal deconstruction and digital adulteration to offer a vibrant virtual universe.

Lucas Samaras, XYZ 0927 (Razor Cut) 2012


AO Newslink

Monday, September 24th, 2012

New York Magazine senior editor Christopher Bonanos has published a new book entitled Instant: The Story of Polaroid, (Princeton Architectural Press), which will be released this week. It profiles how artists as diverse as Lucas Samaras, Andy Warhol and Ansel Adams have used the the Polaroid as their medium of choice. (more…)

Don’t Miss – New York: Lucas Samaras “Poses / Born Actors” at Pace Gallery Through December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Lucas Samaras, Pose 0314, 2009-2010. All photos via Pace Gallery

Known for his ‘unrepentent ego,’ Lucas Samaras departs from his usual narcissism in Poses / Born Actors at the Pace Gallery until December 24th. Taking digital photographs of art world luminaries—from artists like Jasper Johns to big-name curators and collectors—Samaras reworks them with Photoshop. The artist aims for drama, using the software not to improve the images, but rather highlight rawness and emotion via shadows and color. Lighting the photo from below, and asking his subjects to wear glasses, Samaras creates mysterious, often demonic renderings of friends and peers. Unsure of the reactions of both the viewers and the photos’ subjects, small bottles of vodka were included with subjects’ invitations—for pre-show consumption.

More story after the jump…
