Zaha Hadid Chosen to Design Michigan State's Art Museum

January 24th, 2008

Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum via New York Times

Iraqi born, London based architect, Zaha Hadid has been chosen to design Michigan State University’s new art museum. The museum will be called the the Eli and Edythe Broad Museum. The museum will house modern and contemporary art. Look for it to open sometime in 2010.

Zaha Hadid to Design Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum [New York Times]
MSU’s Broad Museum [Architectural Record]

Ernesto Stock Market Plays cnbc fast money

Analyst Wire August 30, 2006 BECKY QUICK, CNBC ANCHOR: Now meantime, we have been watching what is happening on the Street. As Ernesto kind of turned away from the Gulf, we saw oil prices come back down.

Guy, you have been watching this. From the Street`s perspective, is there a play you can actually make on this?

GUY ADAMI, CNBC “FAST MONEY,” EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CIBC WORLD MARKTS: There absolutely is a play. And, you know, crude oil should be coming lower because it is an economy thing. It is not — it has never been a supply side issue for me, it has always been a demand thing. So as economies.


ADAMI: . are slowing.

QUICK: But that is why we saw oil prices spike last week, right?

ADAMI: Oh, no question, yes. But now I think you are seeing oil doing what it should be doing, sort of drifting back down, mid to high 60s. I think that is where it will sort of fit in. But there is a hurricane play. And one of the stocks I would like to look at is The Shaw Group (SGR). The symbol there is S-G-R. It is a global environmental construction, sort of a cleanup stock. They are headquartered out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. These guys are a first responder. They have responded, to-date, about 10,000 disasters, you know, in the United States. And it is a stock that on July 13th, Barron`s wrote an inside scoop article on. And they mentioned the Tontine Partners. That is one of the real smart hedge funds that the Street does business with. They actually increased their stake in the company to 8.3 million shares from 7.5 million shares. And this came on the heels of them actually lowering guidance for the year. see here cnbc fast money

QUICK: Well, we just took a look at that stock chart. It looks like things really took off after hurricane season last year.

ADAMI: And I think that things are going to take off again this year. I mean, this stock is also cheap on a valuation basis. It trades about a — I think about 20 times. JEC (JEC) trades at about 27 time, and Fluor Corp. (FLR), one of their other comps, trades at about 25.

QUICK: Is there a risk though, that — if we see hurricane season as a washout, is there a risk that things come back down?

ADAMI: Look, there is always a risk in any of these plays. But I don`t think it is going to be a complete washout. I don`t think it is going to be the magnitude that we had last year, but I still think there are going to be some pretty violent storms coming up the East Coast or through the Gulf.

QUICK: All right. We will continue to keep track of what has been happening with both Ernesto and John as we go through the course of the morning.