AO OnSite: Frieze Art Fair Has Begun in Regent’s Park in London and will run through October 18th

October 16th, 2009

Frieze Art Fair entrance in Regent’s Park, London

Art Observed is currently on site at the seventh edition of Europe’s largest contemporary art fair: Frieze which is on show in London’s Regent’s Park through October 18th.  The 164 exhibiting galleries represent the most exciting contemporary artists working today and for the past two years Frieze Art Fair has attracted over 60,000 visitors over the three day period for which it is active.  In addition to this, the fair not only attracts curators and collectors but encourages participation by all: over the three days the fair presents a curated program of talks, artists’ commissions and film projects, many of which are interactive or performative and encourage visitors to engage with art and artists directly.

A view of the booth of Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin with work from Xavier Veilhan in the foreground and Duane Hanson in the background at Frieze Art Fair via

Related Links:
Art out of the ordinary [TimesOnline]
Frieze gets off to fizz-popping start
[The Guardian]
A chair you can actually sit on [WSJ]
Autumn Fairs Are a Barometer of the Art Market [NYTimes]
Abramovic, Paltrow browse at Freize as buyers haggle [Bloomberg]
Chill of recession hits London Frieze art bonanza []
Introducing the Frieze Art Fair []
Party of the Weel: No sign of the Crunch at Frieze Art Fair [The Independent]
Recession chill hits Frieze Art Fair []
Roll up for moody modern masterpieces:it’s the Frieze art fair
[The Guardian]
Frieze Art Fair Opens to Steady Sales, Gray Art
Frieze Art fair: test your knowledge. A quiz to find out if you’re an art aficionado or Frieze faker
[The Guardian]
London Calling a Spate of Artists to their Openings [NYTimes]
More text and images after the jump…..

Viewers stand by an art work by Liam Gillick at Frieze via The Guardian

View of Frieze opening ceremony via The Guardian

Beethoven’s Trumpet (With Ear) Opus #133, 2007 by John Baldessari via TheGuardian

L’homme qui ne marche pas, Elmgreen and Dragset (2009)

This year’s Sculpture Park presents work by a broad spectrum of artists, including some of the most acclaimed international sculptors. Louise Bourgeois selected work, The Couple, 2003, is the largest in a series of hanging aluminum sculptures by the artist. American artist Paul McCarthy’s work, Henry Moore Bound to Fail (Bronze), 2004 is an homage to the oeuvre of Henry Moore and will remain on display for six months.

Frieze Art Fair Framed; Artist Ryan Gander set up a digital studio at the entrance to the fair and capture portraits of visitors looking at their favorite artwork via TheGuardian

Turning the World Upside Down
, Anish Kapoor at Frieze via TheGuardian

Stephanie Sujuco’s Copystand at Frieze which offers copies of other artworks at the fair via TheGuardian

A scene from Frieze Art Fair via