AO On Site Photoset — New York: Opening of Richard Serra ‘Junction/Cycle’ at Gagosian Gallery through November 26, 2011

September 19th, 2011

All photos by Abbey Stone for Art Observed unless otherwise noted

Wednesday evening’s opening of Richard Serra‘s new exhibit at the Gagosian Gallery in Chelsea was abuzz. The huge warehouse space seemed to vibrate as art enthusiasts made their way through the artist’s massive installation. Roughly 15 feet tall, the two separate pieces, Junction and Cycle, create a sloping, weaving maze, inviting and immersing viewers within. Whispering praise as they explored the labyrinthine pieces, one such patron murmured, “It’s like you’re in a whole new world.”

More text and images after the jump…

Serra says in the press release, “I consider space to be a material. The articulation of space has come to take precedence over other concerns. I attempt to use sculptural form to make space distinct.” With these two new pieces, Serra succeeds in just that. While Junction‘s rust-colored walls (made of weatherproof steel) are beautiful, what makes the piece truly magnificent is how the walls seem to fold in on you as you move through them. The structure manipulates your pathway as you walk, making each trip you take unique. Junction and Cycle are hypnotizing—in their scale, their warmth, their simplicity.

Richard Serra, Cycle (2011). Via Gagosian Gallery.

-A. Stone

Related Links:

Gagosian Gallery [Exhibition Site]
Richard Serra [Artist Site]