AO Onsite Photoset – NADA Art Fair in Miami Beach, December 7th, 2012

December 8th, 2012

New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) Art Fair 2012, all photos by E. Simone for ArtObserved

The NADA fair is home to the some of the youngest, and most surprising artists and gallerists during Art Basel week, and is often described as a respite from the big-named, shiny, high-altitude atmosphere of the main fair. Dealers and collectors come to NADA searching out the new artists they think have the most potential, reveling in the discovery.

Keith Farquhar, Leslie Fritz Gallery (formerly Renwick Gallery)

Guards watch Warhol’s Ones, Half Gallery

The act of buying and selling is no stranger to animalistic metaphors, and when describing the opening atmosphere gallerists used several: “The mood of the crowd was intense,” Amanda Schmitt of the Hole Gallery told Art Observed: “people definitely came in like vultures.”

Gallerist Bill Powers with Lucien Smith’s Cash Counter, Half Gallery

Last year The Hole Gallery had two twin booths sell out, says Schmitt. This year they’re on track to compete with that record. Adrian from the James Fuentes Gallery told Art Observed that NADA brings “the best crowd ever, super cool all around. We see friends, familiar faces. NADA tends to bring the people we like best – the most creative and adventurous of the collectors.”



In an effort to keep things fresh, Adrian explained that gallery owner James Fuentes brought in some brand new artists, including Kamau Amu Patton, with whom they just started working.

Another gallery from the Lower East Side, The Half Gallery, had Huma Bhabha, Sam Falls, René Ricard, and Lucien Smith reinterpret Andy Warhol’s one dollar bills, which were originally designed for a charity gambling event and printed on real currency paper. Fall designed a tilting stack of folded squares with his bills. “A house of cards,” Said Bill Powers, co-owner of Half.  “I like having accidental fair commentary, so you can see how tenuous the system is.”

American Contemporary’s booth

CANADA‘s booth

CANADA’s booth

Corbett vs. Dempsey’s booth

Federica Schiavo Gallery‘s booth

Interstate Project’s booth

Works by James McAllister and Kamau Amu Patton at James Fuentes Gallery

a work at James Fuentes Gallery’s booth

Jessica Silverman with Dashiell Manley, Jessica Silverman Gallery

A Dashiell Manley work

Work by Brock Enright at Kate Werble Gallery – the panels stand over raked poppy seeds

Lisa Cooley Gallery’s installation


NADA atmosphere

On Stellar Rays’ booth

Leo Gabin, Peres Projects

Afruz Amighi’s work at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery

Kate Steciw’s work at toomer labzda

Marko Mäetamm’s work at Temnikova and Kasela Gallery


A large work by Holton Rower at The Hole Gallery

Work by Matthew Stone at The Hole Gallery

Michael represents The Journal Gallery

Rachel Uffner Gallery’s booth

White Columns’ booth

White Columns’ booth

The Deauville Pool

-R. Miller

Related Links:

[NADA fair website]
Young Local Artists Focus on Art Basel Crowd [The Miami Herald]
NADA Report: Young Talent and Savvy Collectors Keep the Cool Fair Ticking over [Blouin ArtInfo]