New York – Wang Guangle: “Duo Color” at Pace Gallery Through February 9th, 2019

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

Wang Guangle, Duo Color (Installation View), via Pace
Wang Guangle, Duo Color (Installation View), via Pace

Currently on view at Pace Gallery’s New York location, Chinese artist Wang Guangle has installed a body of new paintings marking a continuation of the artist’s nuanced approach towards painterly minimalism and gestural abstraction.  Titled Duo Color, the show invites a reconsideration of Wang’s work in the investigation of time and space, bound by the movement of the brush and the application of paint to canvas.   (more…)

New York – Agnes Martin/Navajo Blankets at Pace Gallery Through

Saturday, December 15th, 2018

Agnes Martin, Affection (2001), From The Collection Of Laura Arrillaga-andreessen, © 2018 Estate Of Agnes Martin:artists Rights Society (Ars), New York
Agnes Martin, Affection (2001), From The Collection Of Laura Arrillaga-andreessen, © 2018 Estate Of Agnes Martin:artists Rights Society (Ars), New York

Having traveled from coast to coast for exhibition in New York City, Pace Gallery’s current show examined the shared aesthetic space of painter Agnes Martin and the meticulously crafted blankets of the Navajo (Diné) people of the American Southwest touches down for a striking last show of 2018.  The exhibition, which explores the shared use of parallel lines and tight grid-work in both the painter’s canvas and the blanket-maker’s loom, makes for a fascinating investigation of two aesthetically distinct visions that found their most compelling articulation amongst the landscape of the American desert. (more…)

New York – Zhang Xiaogang: “Recent Works” at Pace Gallery Through October 20th, 2018

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Zhang Xiaogang at Pace, via Art Observed
Zhang Xiaogang at Pace, via Art Observed

Pace Gallery in New York is currently exhibiting a selection of new works by the renowned Chinese painter Zhang Xiaogang, a body of works that sees him continuing to explore and interpret his unique painterly language.  Mixing together domestic scenes and surrealist iconographies, then populating them with a mixture of shared cultural symbols and figures from his own childhood memories. Xiaogang’s work is a remarkable window into complex psychological states and cultural moorings.  (more…)

New York – Fred Wilson: “Afro Kismet” at Pace Gallery Through August 17th, 2018

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018

Fred Wilson, Afro Kismet (Installation View), via Art Observed
Fred Wilson, Afro Kismet (Installation View), via Art Observed

Currently on view at Pace Gallery’s New York location, artist Fred Wilson has mounted his powerful exhibition Afro Kismet, reprising a work from the Istanbul Biennial that sought shared cultural threads and a refreshed cultural understanding of shared relationships between Africa and the Middle East. Continuing Wilson’s nuanced dialogues with both historical and cultural framing in conjunction with a studied view of both modern and deep history, the show’s trip to New York offers a second chance for viewers to see a challenging and important piece of work by the artist. (more…)

New York – Thomas Nozkowski: “16 x 20” at Pace Gallery Through February 15th, 2018

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

Thomas Nozkowski, Untitled (7-10) (1992), via Art Observed
Thomas Nozkowski, Untitled (7-10) (1992), via Art Observed

“I like paintings that balance contradictions. I like paintings that look clear and simple at first glance and then sort of crumble under your gaze,” says painter, Thomas Nozkowski, the American painter whose work over the past several decades has spanned a range of styles and techniques, approaches and modes of seeing throughout his career. “And it’s even better if further looking enables you to put it together again, understand it in a new way.”  Such modes of seeing and making pictures is presented this month at Pace Gallery in New York, running throughout the artist’s 50+ year career as a striking, and refreshing survey of his practice. (more…)

New York – Louise Nevelson: “Black and White” at Pace Gallery Through March 3rd, 2018

Sunday, February 11th, 2018

Louise Nevelson, Dawn's Presence - Three (1975), via Art Observed
Louise Nevelson, Dawn’s Presence – Three (1975), via Art Observed

Spread across the rooms of Pace Gallery’s West 24th Street location, Louise Nevelson’s iconic wood sculptures draw the viewer through various geometric planes, familiar cultural forms and intriguing variations on a theme.  The artist’s work has hung in the walls of Pace over 20 times in the past 50 years, and returns here with a particular focus on her pieces from the late 1950’s onwards, a point where her particular artistic voice was beginning to fully develop.   (more…)

New York – Elizabeth Murray: “Painting in the ’80s” at Pace Gallery Through

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Elizabeth Murray, Painting in the 80s, via Art Observed
Elizabeth Murray, Painting in the 80s, via Art Observed

Walking into Pace Gallery’s expansive exhibition hall on 25th Street in Chelsea, one is greeted by heaving masses of material, great swollen lumps of paint and canvas, bent and twisted into explosively animated forms.  These are the works of painter Elizabeth Murray, a pioneering abstractionist whose intuitive work with cut and shaped canvases has underscored her place among the lead voices of post-war painting in the US.  At Pace this winter, the gallery has turned its attention to a small body of paintings from the artist’s work during the 1980’s as a continuation of her last show, the fittingly titled Painting in the ‘70s.


Elizabeth Murray, Painting in the 80s, via Art Observed
Elizabeth Murray, Painting in the 80s, via Art Observed (more…)

New York – Richard Misrach and Guillermo Galindo: “Border Cantos,” Presented by Pace Gallery and Pace/MacGill Gallery Through August 18th, 2017

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Installation View. All images via Pace Gallery.

Pace Gallery and Pace/MacGill Gallery present Border Cantos, a collaborative multimedia exhibition by artists Richard Misrach and Guillermo Galindo. Misrach, an American photographer, and Galindo, a Mexican-American experimental composer, have been working together since 2011, blending musical scores and photography, instrumentation and sculpture, to discuss and represent the increasingly militarized 1,969-mile border wall between the United States and Mexico. The work in Border Cantos spans photography, sculpture, and sound, integrated seamlessly to create an impression of the presence of tragedy and tenuousness. (more…)

New York – Leo Villareal at Pace Gallery Through August 11th, 2017

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Leo Villareal, Ellipse (2017), via Art Observed
Leo Villareal, Ellipse (2017), via Art Observed

Marking his first exhibition with Pace since joining the gallery this past year, artist Leo Villareal has opened a show of new works at the gallery’s 24th Street exhibition space. Villareal, whose twinkling, shifting LED light installations are iconic parts of the urban landscape from New York to San Francisco and around the globe, has built a reputation for his nuanced understanding of public space, and the capacity for simple light arrays to transform its environment, and brings a series of new installations, light panels and video to the gallery. (more…)

New York – Alexander Calder and Joan Miró: “Constellations” at Pace and Acquavella Galleries Through June 30, 2017

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Alexander Calder, Portrait for Joan Miró. Private Collection; 2017 Calder Foundation, New York/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Successió Miró, via Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, via ADAGP, Paris 2017.

Calder/Miró: Constellations, on view through June 30, 2017, presents the work of Alexander Calder and Joan Miró at Pace Gallery and Acquavella Galleries, respectively, a two-venue exhibition aiming to present the distinct bodies of work and complementary concepts shared between the two artists while they were separated on either side of the Atlantic during World War II.  Presenting approximately 60 sculptures, paintings, and works on paper, the show presents a dialogue highlighting formal, social and political concerns informing the processes of both artists at a distinct conceptual and aesthetic high point for both their careers. (more…)

New York – Adrian Ghenie: “Recent Paintings” at Pace Gallery Through February 18th, 2017

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Adrian Ghenie, Rest During the Flight into Egypt (2016), via Art Observed
Adrian Ghenie, Rest During the Flight into Egypt (2016), via Art Observed

Drawing on a wide range of works from the artist’s recent practice, Pace Gallery is presenting a series of new paintings by Adrian Ghenie, drawing on the artist’s unique approach to both the construction of his canvases, and the position his work takes in its relation to broader timeline of European painting and political history.

Adrian Ghenie, Degenerate Art (2016), via Art Observed
Adrian Ghenie, Degenerate Art (2016), via Art Observed


New York – Keith Sonnier: “Ebo River and Early Works” at Pace Gallery Through January 21st, 2017

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Keith Sonnier, Chila (2016), via Art Observed
Keith Sonnier, Chila (2016), via Art Observed

Continuing his work with Pace Gallery, Keith Sonnier has brought a series of both new and historical works to the gallery’s uptown exhibition space.  His fourth solo show with Pace, Ebo River and Early Works features a range of works pieces by the artist, tracing his continued use of light as a central medium. Sonnier, who works in Bridgehampton, has worked with neon and industrial materials for more than forty-five years, and brings a selection of his works sharing themes of movement and space to the gallery walls.

Keith Sonnier, Lit Circle Red with Etched Glass (1968), via Art Observed
Keith Sonnier, Lit Circle Red with Etched Glass (1968), via Art Observed


New York — “Blackness in Abstraction” at Pace Gallery Through August 19th, 2016

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Wangechi Mutu, Throw (2016), via Art Observed
Wangechi Mutu, Throw (2016), via Art Observed

Blackness in Abstraction is Pace Gallery’s museum level survey of a candid, simple concept—the use of the color black in art since the 1940’s—stemming from the visual impact of its subject color and spreading toward its various pertinent connotations.  Curated by Adrienne Edwards, the selection, featuring twenty-nine intergenerational artists, puts a particular emphasis on monochromes, yet a broad array of media, including video, sculpture and photography, is available in an exhibition that joins in on the highly populated list of conceptually potent summer group shows.   (more…)

New York – Richard Tuttle: ’26’ at Pace Gallery Through June 11th, 2016

Thursday, May 19th, 2016

Richard Tuttle, Red Dots, Deep Maroon Over Green (1986), via Art Observed
Richard Tuttle, Red Dots, Deep Maroon Over Green (1986), via Art Observed

If there’s one thing to be said for Richard Tuttle’s work, there’s at least 26.  That’s the argument Pace Gallery is making with its newest exhibition of the artist’s work, which compiles 26 works from his 50-year career into a single gallery show, offering a unique opportunity to re-evaluate both Tuttle’s continuous and consistent output alongside his focused approach to art-making. (more…)

New York – Qiu Xiaofei: “Double Pendulum” at Pace Gallery Through April 23rd, 2016

Sunday, April 17th, 2016

Qiu Xiaofei, Vortex (2015)
Qiu Xiaofei, Vortex (2015), all photos via Rui Tang for Art Observed

Double Pendulum, the first solo exhibition of Qiu Xiaofei in North America, is currently on view at Pace Gallery on 510 West 25th Street. Showcasing a group of new paintings, the exhibition presents the artist’s transition towards an abstract expression through a range of colors that complicate the relationships between foreground and background. (more…)

London – “The Calder Prize 2005-2015” at Pace Gallery through March 5th, 2016

Monday, February 29th, 2016

The Calder Prize 2005-2015 (Installation View)

The Calder Prize 2005-2015, now on view at Pace Gallery in London, explores the influence of artist Alexander Calder in relation to the work of six contemporary artists, each of whom were awarded a prize in the former’s name.  Now through March 5, the five winners of the Calder Prize to date are featured in conversation with Calder’s own work.  The artists awarded the Calder Prize are seen to be continuing Calder’s legacy by imagining new and innovative directions for sculpture, among them Tara Donovan (2005), Žilvinas Kempinas (2007), Tomás Saraceno (2009), Rachel Harrison (2011), Daren Bader (2013), and Haroon Mirza (2015). Working in impressively divergent media, the artists are united by their common vision to push the limits of material through variations on space and time in their work, a point that unifies them with Calder’s vision.   (more…)

Pace Gallery Opening New Location on 24th Street

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Pace Gallery is opening another space in Chelsea, taking over the building at 537 West 24th Street, part of its continued expansion plan that will see a new flagship location open in 2018.  The new space will be inaugurated with a show of work by Tim Hawkinson. (more…)

Pace Gallery Sees Success with Selling to Silicon Vallery

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

An entry in Wall Street Journal’s technology blog notes the success Pace Gallery has had in selling works to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, often by telling them that the works are not available.   Its recent show of works by Japanese collective TeamLab, which had a series of works listed as “not for sale,” have already sold a selection of works for up to $450,000. (more…)

New York – Ilya and Emilia Kabakov: “New Paintings” at Pace Gallery Through January 23rd, 2016

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, The Two Times #3 (2015), via Art Observed
Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, The Two Times #3 (2015), via Rae Wang for Art Observed

Delving into fragmented, often confounding representations of history and identity, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov have brought a new body of works to Pace Gallery in New York City, continuing the couple’s unique vision in representing and reinterpreting their past in Russia and their challenging figurative work which ties into dualities and pluralized senses of time and space. (more…)

New York – Robert Rauschenberg: “Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, and Anagrams (A Pun)” at Pace Gallery Through December 12th, 2015

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

Robert Rauschenberg, JayWalk (Anagram) (1996), via Art Observed
Robert Rauschenberg, JayWalk (Anagram) (1996), via Art Observed

Marking the first exhibition of the work of Robert Rauschenberg since the late artist’s Foundation joined Pace Gallery earlier this year (and the artist’s 9th in total), Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (A Pun) brings a body of Rauschenberg’s later works to the institution’s 25th Street location in Chelsea, documenting the artist’s artistic evolution and interest in increasingly complex methods of dye transfer, plaster and paper in his compositions.

Robert Rauschenberg, Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (A Pun)  (Installation View), via Art Observed
Robert Rauschenberg, Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (A Pun) (Installation View), via Art Observed (more…)

Zuoz, Switzerland – Zhang Huan at Pace Chesa Büsin Through August 31st, 2014

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Zhang Huan, Shanxi Door No. 49 (2206), all images courtesy Pace Chesa Büsin

Pace Gallery has taken up space at Chesa Büsin in the Swiss town of Suoz this summer for a retrospective of works by Chinese artist Zhang Huan. Known for his especially visceral brand of performance art and his equally meticulous and exacting documentations, this exhibition primarily focuses on some of Zhang’s lesser known paintings, photography and works on paper. (more…)

London – James Turrell: “Recent Works” at Pace Gallery Through April 5th, 2014

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

James Turrell, Sensing Thought (2005), via Pace

Following his massive, three-museum retrospective last summer, artist James Turrell returns to the gallery circuit this spring, with a selection of recent works on view at Pace Gallery’s London location in Burlington Gardens.  The show offers a continuation of Turrell’s interest in light as a mediator of space, using LED lights to create shifting, intriguing alterations of depth in a closed room.

James Turrell, Recent Works (Installation View), via Pace (more…)

New York – Jim Dine at Pace Gallery Through March 23rd, 2013

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Jim Dine (Installation View), via Pace Gallery

In a refreshing break from his figurative painting and Pinocchio art, Pace Gallery presents a collection of new abstract paintings by Jim Dine.  The paintings are large, romantic, intense renderings of universal situations and emotions – sometimes literally, with titles like “A Fingerprint of Stars”, a painting that reaches fourteen feet wide and five feet tall.

Jim Dine, Late Friends (2012), via Pace Gallery


Pace Gallery in Talks to Expand Further on 25th Street

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Pace Gallery is in lease negotiation with Related Companies for more office space at 511-541 West 25th St. The gallery already occupies exhibition spaces at 508, 510 and 534 West 25th St, as well as its 57th Street headquarters. (more…)