New York: ‘Ten Ten’ Group Show Pop-up by Jason Alexander through March 30, 2012

March 28th, 2012

Curators Jason Alexander, “That’s not actually part of the show, we just liked the way it looked.” All photos on site for Art Observed by Samuel Sveen.

The duo Jason Alexander—Jason Lee and Alexander Shulan—have set up a two-floor pop-up show in a former Chinatown sewing machine repair shop, Ten Ten, from which the show draws its name. The DIY exhibition of 17 young New York based artists includes Peter Demos, Debo Eilers, Ryan Foerster, and Ben Schumacher, as well a curator himself, Jason Lee—the self-inclusion an admitted faux pas. According to co-curator Shulan, the collection is unrestrained, loud, politically incorrect, non-AbEx (Abstract Expressionist), messy, with parts of it that “just don’t even work.” The diverse sculptures and images, a Porsche seat and chained pineapples, are set in dialogue amid wooden crates, broken sewing machines, and other remnants of the shop. The press release is a brief history of the sewing machine, providing something of a context of the space, while the curators otherwise chose to let the work speak for itself. Shulan said each of the young artists are either currently showing at galleries “or should be.” A few of the artists were also current or former assistants to more established artists; Jared Madere to Jenny Holzer, and Valerie Keane to Olaf Breuning and Ryan Sullivan.

Darren Bader, Santa

Ryan Foerster, Window Bars (2012)

Debo Eilers, Lostcom (2011)

Debo Eilers, Lostcom (2011), detail

Untitled works, from left to right by Jason Lee, Darren Bader, and Peter Demos

Darren Bader, Chew Toy

Jason Lee, Untitled (2012)

Jason Lee, Untitled (2012), detail

Jason Lee, Untitled (2012)

Jared Madere, Joey Arvatz Pineapple (2012), under front desk

Jared Madere, Joey Arvatz Pineapple (2012), in rafter

Jared Madere, Joey Arvatz Pineapple (2012), detail

Jared Madere, Joey Arvatz Pineapple (2012), in basement

Dena Yago, Kiss

Bradley Kronz, Untitled (2012), detail

Bradley Kronz, Untitled (2012)

Bradley Kronz, Untitled (2012), floor detail

Installation view. Left, Alisa Baremboym, Still Life 6 (2011) and Still Life 5 (2011); Right, Dominic Nurre, All the recently formed large scale groupings (2012)

Dominic Nurre, All the recently formed large scale groupings (2012), detail

Installation view

Ben Schumacher, Untitled (2012). Floor markings added by the artist at the opening.

Ben Schumacher, Untitled (2012), detail

Andrei Koschmieder, Untitled (2012)

Asher Penn, Banana Question # 3 (2012)

Jared Madere, Chuckypenny loses his cool (2012)

Jared Madere, Chuckypenny loses his cool (2012), detail

Jared Madere, Chuckypenny beach (2012)

Ryan Foerster, Fruit Bomb (2011)

Dominic Nurre, Instructional Video figurative sculpture; oppositional coupling (2012)

Valerie Keane, Untitled (2012)

Sebastian Black, QQ (2012)

Torey Thornton, Untitled (2012)

Dena Yago, left to right: Head in a basket (2012); The Billfold (2012); Walkway (2012)

Jeffrey Joyal, untitled carbonite series (2012)

Debo Eilers, Bucktick (2012)

Debo Eilers, Bucktick (2012), detail


—S. Sveen

Related Links:

Exhibition Site [Jason Alexander]
‘Ten Ten’ at Jason Alexander [Opening Ceremony]