AO On-Site: Creative Time Fall Ball, November 12th, 2013

November 18th, 2013

Mime, via Art Observed Staff

Last week, in the midst of auction week hustle and bustle, Creative Time held its annual fall gala at Williamsburg’s Output Nightclub, bringing together a varied group of artists, musicians, designers and nightlife mainstays for an event celebrating the size and diversity of New York’s current creative community.

Creative Time Fall Ball, via Art Observed Staff

It was a fitting theme for the event, documenting the increasing influence of Brooklyn on the global arts community, and the guest list reflected it, featuring appearances by Jeremy Deller, Tim Barber, Chelsea Leyland, Casey Neistat, Patrick Li, Dustin Yellin and many more.

Creative time Fall Ball, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

The event, hosted by Creative Time board member Jon Neidich, featured a number of multi-media installations, performances and other creative decorations of the nightclub’s expansive rooms.  Artist Alex Da Corte delivered a number of large-scale, rubber-dipped roses, which were spread around the event.  Nearby, one could view Williamsburg Toile, an installation by Ruffian and John Gordon Gauld, inviting guests to draw on wallpaper depicting Brooklyn landscapes.  Unexpected performances, appearances and more popped up over the course of the night, giving the event a multifaceted, carnival-esque atmosphere.

Williamsburg Toile, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Billed as a “Dance-Art Marathon,” the night also featured sets from JD Samson, Tiki Disco, The Dolls, and more, with guests remaining out on the dance floor until well after 1AM.  It was a fitting conclusion for the organization, whose continued eclecticism and presentational flair has defined it as one of the leading arts organizations in New York today.

Tiffany Bloomfield and Clinton Ballard, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Tim Barber, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Dream Posters, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Andrea Mary Marshall, Self-Portrait as Vanitas in Situ, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Creative time Fall Ball, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time 1

Caitlin Moe, Photograph by David X Prutting at BFAnyc, Courtesy Creative Time

Creative Time Fall Ball