Francesco Vezzoli Interviewed in The Guardian

January 5th, 2016

Francesco Vezzoli is interviewed in The Guardian this week, discussing his personal life, and his leftist political views, formed by his family’s membership in the Proletarian Unity Party.  “We had a public debate at the National Synotec in Rome and one of the presidents of Italian television who is one of the wittiest men in Italy kept screaming ‘You’re such a Marxist!’, because of the things I was saying.” He says. “I said ‘I must have been able to come out of the closet as a homosexual, but the Marxist thing is still locked somewhere in there.’ Many people say that the work is way more political than I seem to realize, but that must come from my family. I think that it’s kind of sweet that it’s there; I leave for other people to read it.”

Read more at The Guardian