Untitled #153, Cindy Sherman (1985). Via Skarstedt Gallery
The current group show at Skarstedt Gallery on E79th Street in New York exhibits the efforts of nine artists to tackle a genre that is of great importance in the canon of Art History: the Self-Portrait. Once a tool for self-promotion and notoriety, the staff at the Skarstedt Gallery recognize the self-portrait as “a conceptual apparatus of history and are at the disposal of anyone who employs it.” In this instance, the Gallery presents the viewer with the self-fashioned images of Cindy Sherman, Andy Warhol, Rudolf Stingel, John Coplands, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Robert Mapplethorpe, Yasumasa Morimura, and Albert Oehlen within the framework of four iconographical themes: Glory, Desire, The Masquerade and Fading.
Untitled (Self-Portrait), Martin Kippenberger (1988). Via Skarstedt Gallery
Related Links:
Skarstedt Gallery Homepage [Skarstedt Gallery]
Self-Portraits at the Skarstedt Gallery event page [Skarstedt Gallery]
Self-Portraits, by Ken Johnson [New York Times]
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